CoSuite Meet Our Members – Kyle Milligan
September 19, 2020
Businesses that started in coworking spaces are finding that as they grow, they prefer to stay in shared, flexible office space environments that allow their companies to scale to their needs as they continue to expand. Shared, flexible office spaces provide growing businesses the connectivity they need in a diverse community among other business professionals with similar goals. As COVID-19 continues to affect the way we work, CoSuite provides upscale private office spaces that allow business professionals to focus on growing their companies, in the comfort and safety of their own fully-equipped offices, without incurring the expense and peripheral activities involved in leasing their own commercial offices. CoSuite also features live receptionist services, conference room access, and all of the amenities that you need to focus on the real business of readying your business to move into its next phase. Now, as businesses settle into a new normal, CoSuite Boca Raton gets the inside scoop on how the lingering health crisis is affecting one members’ business and how the flexibility of CoSuite’s private suites model is a gamechanger.
An Inside Look
This month, we take a closer look at CoSuite Boca Raton member, Kyle Milligan. A financial copywriter since 2017, writing promotional sales letters for financial luminaries and businessmen such as Robert Kiyosaki, James Altucher, Jim Rickards, Lance Ippolito, Roger Scott, James West, Marin Katusa, or as Milligan put it… “A whole bunch of multi-millionaires.” Milligan’s interest in copywriting stemmed from a desire to write novels and he thought that “learning copywriting would help him sell those novels.” As it turns out, Milligan said, “I was really good at copywriting and I never looked back.” We asked Milligan to share some insights about his CoSuite Boca Raton experience during the pandemic and beyond.
- How has your business been impacted by COVID-19?
So far, things have been good for my industry. I have added more employees to my team. From starting as an open desk member, now I have 2 offices and 3 open desk memberships.
- How are you adjusting to being back at work at CoSuite after the COVID-19 pandemic?
I have to wear a mask, but I feel safe in this work environment. Otherwise, it’s business as usual for me.
- What is the most rewarding or fulfilling aspect of your job?
I get to build and mentor a team of writers.
- When did you become a member? Why did you select CoSuite Boca Raton? What has been the best part about working at CoSuite?
I became a member over a year ago. I liked it because it was modern. Clean. Bright. Open. Adding my new employees to my team has been a very easy process. The staff takes care of everything I need. The best part of working at CoSuite is the staff. There are cool amenities like 24/7 access, conference rooms, and a nice kitchen.
- What’s the biggest challenge that you have faced as a business owner (or on your career path) and how did you overcome it?
The biggest challenge for me has been transitioning from just “the guy doing everything” to being a leader of an entire team. That requires a lot more patience. I haven’t overcome it. I screw up every day. Piss someone off. Hurt someone’s feelings. Lose my cool when I shouldn’t. I just take it one day at a time.
- Share some tips or words of wisdom for other professionals just getting started.
Never set monetary goals. Money is an output, or “lag measure.” You need to set input goals focused on “lead measures.” Your money will skyrocket when you make sure to hit your input goals every day. Check out Deep Work by Cal Newport for more details on that concept. And aggressively protect your Deep Work time. You’ll be rich.
Up Close with Kyle Milligan
In his free time, Milligan enjoys playing video games and frequenting cigar bars. When asked about his greatest inspiration, Milligan said that it has probably been a “basket of authors.” He went on to say that chief among these, Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art, “taught me how to sit down and do my work, even when the rest of the world wants to distract me.” Additionally, Milligan noted that Gray Keller’s, The One Thing spoke to him, revealing that “The secret to everything good is consistent dedication to one thing.” The copywriter chief explained that everything will try to distract you. “Everything is a shiny object. I hate shiny objects.” He went on to say, “They robbed me of the first 28 years of my life. And they rob you of your greatness.” Milligan’s takeaway from The One Thing proved pivotal in his career and stands as an inspiration for others. “As soon as I decided to put all my energy into ONE thing – to the absolute exclusion of everything else – that’s when things turned around for me.”
CoSuite Boca Raton’s private office suite model easily facilitated Kyle Milligan in expanding his team of financial copywriters during the pandemic. While we’re still making our way through this health crisis, CoSuite is sanitizing all touchable surfaces more often, providing hand sanitizer, and taking every available precaution to keep your business and your team members healthy and safe. At CoSuite, we are motivated and excited to provide new inspiration for our members as they continue to grow their businesses. Flexible, shared office spaces are the wave of the future and CoSuite is leading the way!