Flex Space: Growing Your Business in a Space That Grows with You
September 16, 2020
CoSuite has redefined their workspaces to allow for more spacing between their members while still allowing for some limited connectivity. CoSuite members have 24/7 access to their private offices making it easy to come to work and still be safe. The trend in cramming as many workers as possible into a space made many business professionals in both coworking spaces and traditional office spaces feel uncomfortable.
CoSuite ahead of the social distancing curve
That being said, flexible office companies had already grown past the free-for-all atmosphere coworking spaces are known for, to offer their members more privacy and physically distanced offices . CoSuite Boca Raton and CoSuite Brickell are designed to accommodate established medium and large companies that prefer a flex space as they grow into their next successful phases while still offering privacy in their offices. The benefits of working in a flex space far outweigh leasing a separate traditional office. Many professionals favor a set up that gives them privacy and the ability to close the door so they can work without interruptions, like that offered by CoSuite.
Flex space is just that: flexible with no long-term leases
Flex spaces help promote your business agility, scaling up or scaling down, given the many different scenarios that might affect your business. Instead of closing a traditional office for months, due to a health crisis, flex spaces allow you to pause your membership or add space to your plan change to fit your situation and the times. CoSuite’s virtual office plan lets you stay in the game when you’re out of the country growing your business or waiting for a safe time to return to your flex office. Retaining your distinguished office address and mail services, you will also benefit from CoSuite’s live receptionists. Our receptionists answer your phone calls and retrieve the messages from your customers. With much leniency the live receptionists alert you with an email, text message or form submission, so you can check your messages from anywhere. Then, when things get rolling, some projects may require more talent than the flex space you signed up for. At flex spaces such as CoSuite, monthly rental agreements allow you to add more space or more employees, as needed. For large scale projects that have the potential to increase the size of your team moving forward, CoSuite gives you several options, such as moving to a larger office and/or renting additional office spaces.
Renting flex space for workers or teams is going to be important for the near future
As the country reopens, a recurring theme revolves around business professionals who have been working from home revealing, “That was interesting, but I need a real work environment without dogs, cats or kids, please.” One reason coworking spaces have grown exponentially in the last decade was due in part to remote professionals needing to connect with their local business communities in order to balance their work/life situations and grow their businesses. Flex spaces provide connectivity and a sense of belonging to a community. So, now even though it’s been confirmed that working from home can be successful and cost-cutting, most business people that can, prefer to work in a business environment that offers them space to work without distractions. Another perk of flex space is that established medium to large companies growing into different markets can easily find a space for remote teams to work in these new markets.
Satellite office space
For companies expanding into new markets and those who already work with talent in other locations, flex space companies offer savings by allowing businesses to:
- Test the waters before committing to a region of interest
- No longer need long-term regional office leases in multiple locations
- Rent flex spaces for remote teams to work every day or once a month, as needed
Talent and skills you need can be found in your community at flex spaces
Another beneficial aspect of flex office spaces that might have taken a backseat to the health crisis, but is going to prove helpful at this time, focuses on how businesses can hire talent or find someone to help them with legal, creative, tech, and other matters, at your local flex space. Business professionals that need services outside of their core focuses can find the talent or skill they require in the flex space membership, limiting possible exposure to COVID-19. While social distancing, wearing face coverings, and paying attention to personal sanitation measures, businesses can continue to grow and help their neighbors grow, in this new business normal.
CoSuite – Where smart ideas connect
CoSuite’s flex space concept, designed with more office suites in mind allows your growing business the agility and flexibility it needs in uncertain times, as well as when your business expands to its next level of success. Post-pandemic flexible office environments will look different with more privacy for businesses. At CoSuite, we’re already there!
Contact CoSuite Boca Raton or CoSuite Brickell to move into a flex space that grows with you.