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Find Out Why Coworking is Here to Stay

June 3, 2021

According to many recent studies, research has found coworking to be the future of many companies’ corporate culture. Coworking has reinvented and redefined the “office culture” environment permanently. With over 30 million employees working remotely, the shift to coworking is expected to rise in demand. Studies have shown that coworking fosters innovation, increases visibility, and has had a positive impact overall on employee satisfaction. Advancements in mobile technology was changing…

Three Companies Transformed by Coworking

June 1, 2021

Coworking/flexible shared desk spaces came about when tech start-ups needed a place to work and liked the idea of an open-source concept, where all could benefit. Many young, innovative minds were using these collective spaces to develop software programs and tech advancements that would propel us into the digital world we live in today, for better or for worse. Many of the apps we take for granted today were spawned…

Hub & Spoke: The Future of a Flexible Workforce

April 15, 2021

As we mark one year since the Coronavirus pandemic took hold of our lives and changed everything, we’ve witnessed everyone experiencing physical, mental, and emotional health setbacks, as well as breakthroughs in 2020 and into 2021. We also learned a lot about how resilient we can be as a society. As the country shut down, businesses that could, pivoted to remote working and schools implemented virtual learning – in some…

Scale Your Space – Not Your Growth

January 26, 2021

When you formulated your business plan, did you consider scaling your space as your company grows? While most companies include an expansion plan in their business models, most start-ups and small sole proprietor companies are so focused on establishing their brands that expansion plans take a backseat to establishing their present brand awareness. Even though e-commerce, financial services, insurance, and other online compatible businesses may be flourishing due to the…

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